Feel free to post an intro for yourself.
It's always fascinating to know where folks are coming from.
i have heard that god of magog is no longer satan but a collection of nations yet to rise.. any confirmation of this?
please cite sources!.
Feel free to post an intro for yourself.
It's always fascinating to know where folks are coming from.
my wife and i still like each other.
fortieth is "ruby.
" since rubies aren't in the budget, we went to ruby beach for the weekend.
Awesome! Congrats!
For the first time since I've been here at JW.net, I HATE the fact that I must agree with you entirely, OUTLAW.
It's really quite depressing. . . .
Thank goodnees for your sense of humor!
i cannot wrap my mind around the fact that there is jw tv.
being a born in and living most of my life hearing how tv evangelism is wrong and lazy preaching yet seeing this unfold solidifies this religion as a cult!.
i remember back when i began my fade a few years ago i told my brother during an argument how this religion is just like any other religion in that its bull.
Amen bro! This is just something else.
I cant tear myself away!
http://tv.jw.org/ is up and running.. see bro lett stumble his way through the introduction.
he really does have a good face for radio.. http://tv.jw.org/#video/vodmonthlyprogramming/pub-jwb_e_201410_1_video.
nice sweaty top lip at 15 mins onwards - the pressure is showing!!.
Nice sweaty top lip at 15 mins onwards - the pressure is showing!!
Yes, I noticed this "Nixonesque" moment myself. . . . I'm sure there will be many more to come!
Watching the monthly recording w/Lett right now - this is precious!
Apostates will have more material than they'll know what to do with!
Back to the show. . . .
the jw broadcasting is now at the subdomain tv.jw.org.
goes live today.. g.. .
OMG. . . . It is unabashed Cult TV. . .. They're not even trying to hide it!
This is just fuckin' nuts!
Love it!
please click here details.... warning it contains harrowing details!.
summary is that a jw was dfd for child abuse, moved to a new congregation where he was appointed as ms and pioneer.
he then went on to abuse 4 minors as young as 6 over an extended period of time.. the lawyers are tom mcnamara and irwin zalkin who has been involved in 25 cases of abuse against the watchtower previously.. "the jehovahs witnesses have an insidious problem, an epidemic problem with child sexual abuse with the organization.
With the new light revealed at the annual meeting this afternoon, it is obvious that Tom McNamara and Irwin Zalkin are the new Gog of Magog.
Irwin prefers the nickname "Goggles" however. . . . .
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
On January 2015 a new part of the service meeting entitled "How do you knew the truth" will replace local needs, in which all members of the congregation will tell their experience.
Okay, so if this is true, it is either pure genius or really scary (for those not mentally in but physically present).
For those who are in, but perhaps doubting a bit, it reifies their faith.
But for those seriously doubting - e.g. my wife - you are in a load of shit. How do you turn down an interview of how you came to know the truth when you think it's largely bullshit?
Cult genius.